
Provides sexual and reproductive health information and services. This includes contraception, pregnancy options and abortion, and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI). You can contact their Talkline on 1300 658 886 for free and confidential information, advice, and options across a wide range of topics.

Play Safe provides young people with information about safe sex, getting tested, and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI). You can also ask Nurse Nettie any questions related to sex or sexual health via an online form or by phone call. She is a qualified sexual health nurse based in Sydney, and this is confidential and anonymous.

The National Cervical Screening Program reduces illness and death from cervical cancer. This website provides information about the Cervical Screening Test, including about self-collection. Call the National Cancer Screening Register on 1800 627 701 to find out when you're next due for a Cervical Screening Test and update your contact information.

A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14, chat online, or text 0477 13 11 14.

NSW Health's 24/7 statewide phone service which links people with NSW Health mental health services. It is staffed by trained mental health professionals who can offer mental health advice, complete a brief assessment, and make recommendations for appropriate care.

Beyond Blue is a national mental health organisation which aims to raise awareness of anxiety and depression, improve mental health, and prevent suicide. They provide resources for recovery, management, and resilience. The Beyond Blue Support Service is also available 24/7 for brief, free, and confidential counselling on 1300 22 4636.

Kids Helpline is Australia's only free 24/7, confidential, and private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years. Counselling and support are provided via the phone on 1800 551 800, chat online, and email. They also have information and resources for improving mental health and peer support.

headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation supporting young Australians and their families to be mentally healthy and engaged in their communities. They provide early intervention mental health services to children and young people aged 12 to 25 years, including counselling appointments as well as online and phone support. Contact headspace Wollongong for more information on 02 4220 7660.

Head to Health is a free and confidential mental health service from the Australian Government. Anyone can call 1800 595 212 to speak with a trained professional who can provide mental health advice and support, as well as connection to local mental health services according to their needs.

1800RESPECT is a national service supporting people impacted by domestic, family, or sexual violence. It is available 24/7 by calling 1800 737 732 or through online chat. It provides confidential information, counselling, support, and connection to other services.

Full Stop Australia provides free 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who have experienced domestic, family, and sexual violence. Call 1800 424 017 for the NSW Sexual Violence Helpline, which supports people who have experienced sexual assault, recently or in the past. Call 1800 211 028 for the National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service and 1800 497 212 for the Rainbow Sexual, Domestic, and Family Violence Helpline.

The NSW Domestic Violence Line provides counselling and referrals to women experiencing domestic and family violence. They can assist with accessing a variety of other supports including hospital care, counselling, family support, safety planning, emergency accommodation, and transport. Call 1800 656 463 for assistance available 24/7.

IWDVCAS is a locally based, independent service for women and children seeking help and information about how to get protection from the court from domestic and family violence. They offer practical support, information, warm referrals, and advocacy. Court support for women who require the protection of an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) is also available.

Domestic Violence NSW is an independent, non-government, peak organisation that provides a representative and advocacy function for specialist domestic and family violence services in New South Wales.

ICADV is an interagency partnership including both government and non-government services. This booklet provides comprehensive information on domestic and family violence as well as support services available in the local area.

Link2home is the 24/7 state-wide homelessness telephone service. Call 1800 152 152 for information, assessment, or referral to homelessness services and support.

Ask Izzy is a search tool to help people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness find support services. This includes housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice, addiction treatment, and more. Ask Izzy is free to use, and searches are anonymous.

Wollongong Homeless Hub supports people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. They provide a wide variety of front-line information, support, advice, and referral services. There are various programs including free breakfast, shower and laundry, work readiness, and social inclusion.

SAHSSI is a not-for-profit Specialist Homelessness Service covering the Illawarra and Shoalhaven supporting helping vulnerable women and families. They assist with crisis accommodation through their women’s refuges, transitional housing, case management, and case coordination.

The ILC is an independent, not-for-profit, community based legal centre. They provide free legal services at their centre in Warrawong, via phone, and at outreach locations. ILC can assist and provide information in a variety of areas including their Domestic & Family Violence Service, Welfare Rights, Tenant’s Service, Aboriginal Legal Access Program, and Child Support.

WLS NSW is a community legal centre providing women across NSW with a range of free legal services. They provide specialist legal services relating to domestic violence, sexual assault, family law, discrimination, victims support, child protection, human rights, and access to justice. Call 8745 6988 for the Women’s Legal Advice Line, 8745 6999 for the Domestic Violence Line, and 8745 6977 for the First Nations Women’s Legal Contact Line.

Willow is a resource designed to provide easy access to simplified online legal information for women escaping violence or in crisis, women with low literacy, and women with limited digital capability. This site loads quickly and easily on mobile phones and other portable devices, even with poor 3G connections in regional or rural areas.

Food Fairness Illawarra has a Fair Food Directory which can help you find local low-cost and free meals. It has information on a variety of service providers, the type of service they provide, and how to reach them for assistance.