We support women of all ages,

abilities, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Welcome to Illawarra Women's Health Centre

Illawarra Women’s Health Centre provides free or low-cost and affordable medical, allied and complementary health care as well as health and well-being programs, groups and education to improve women’s health. We are non-government and not for profit.
We are a women only space.

Illawarra Women's Trauma Recovery Centre v4

Call 4243 9800

What's New

Your feedback matters to us. Whether it’s compliments, concerns, or ideas for improvement, 

we value every piece of feedback and use it to shape the future of our services. 

Share your thoughts with us—we’re listening!

We are a women’s only safe space

Follow us on Facebook

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We are on Instagram
What's On.....
The Women's Health Centre's Sally Stevenson was interviewed by WIN News on the Gaza Ceasefire alongside Wollongong local and Palestinian Safaa Rayan. You can see the full interview at @winnewsillawarra.
Hear this, Warilla!

We're excited to partner with Hearing Australia to offer FREE 15-minute hearing checks for adults! Eligible pensioners can also access fully subsidised hearing aids. 

 When: Friday, 7th February 
 Time: From 10:30 AM 
 Where: Illawarra Women's Health Centre 2/10 Belfast Ave Warilla

Don’t miss this opportunity to discuss your hearing needs! Book your spot now by calling us on 4255 6800. 

*Conditions apply under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
Heartfelt Thanks to Our Community

We’re feeling so grateful after reading some of the kind words left in our feedback box recently. 

Here’s one that touched our hearts: 
"The staff here are so welcoming and supportive. You’ve made such a difference in my life. Thank you for everything you do!" 

To everyone who takes the time to share their thoughts with us—thank you. Your feedback reminds us why we’re here and motivates us to keep striving to provide the best care and support possible. 💜 

If you’ve had an experience with us that you’d like to share, our feedback box is always open, or you can message us anytime. We’d love to hear from you! 

#Gratitude #CommunitySupport #IllawarraWomensHealth